Haynes Lubri-Film Plus - Food Grade Silicon Grease / Lubricant - Same day dispatch and excellent service - Sanitary- Non Toxic- Odourless- Tasteless 1 x 113g (4oz) Due to its excellent viscosity(consistency and firmness) it should last longer and perform better. Hence, this and the Taylors HP(High Performance lube) are the best on the market for us! Popular uses are: Re lubing Slushie Machines, Slushie Machines, Slushy Machines, Slush Machines, Granita Machines, Beer Kegs and equipment, Dairy Soft serves Machines, Yoghurt Machines, Meat Slicers and Coffee Machines A quality food grade lubricant is essential for taps, valves, O-rings, gaskets and moving parts in all food and beverage equipment to prevent leaking or excess wearing of the seals.

  • Brand: Haynes
  • SKU: KK6098
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